Best Practices for Young Soccer Players

Best Practices for Young Soccer Player Development Soccer enjoys immense popularity among millions of young athletes worldwide, making early development vital for building a solid foundation conducive to a successful soccer career. In this article, we will delve into the best practices for nurturing young soccer players, encompassing both technical prowess and holistic personal growth. Start Soccer Early, Play Often Starting the soccer journey at an early age is key. Regular play helps children in developing coordination, balance, and an intuitive connection with the ball. Focus on Fundamentals Coaches and parents should underline the [...]

By |2023-10-07T15:21:44-04:00September 14, 2023|Performance|

Recovery is Very Critical for Athletes During In-Season

Recovery is Very Critical for Athletes During In-Season Let's Talk Athletic Recovery In the competitive world of sports, athletes often strive to be the best, pushing themselves to their limits to become the strongest and fastest in their field. However, in their pursuit of greatness, many athletes are reluctant to take a day off to recover, fearing they might fall behind or miss the chance to improve their performance even slightly. What they fail to realize is that rest and recovery days are just as crucial to their training regimen as the intense workouts themselves. These [...]

By |2023-09-14T11:45:20-04:00July 28, 2023|Performance, Recovery|

Benefits of Strobe Light Training Glasses

SENSORY TRAINING FOR ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE Senaptec Strobe Training challenges your brain in a unique way no other tool can, by enabling you to train the mind and body together. By removing critical visual information, the brain is forced to process visual input more efficiently. This heightened visual capability enhances coordination, anticipation and decision-making resulting in faster reaction times, better ability to focus, and overall improved balance. Sensory Training is a category of sports performance where the focus is centered around improving cognitive ability to produce the desired outcome. Cognitive ability is where the brain takes in information, process it, as well [...]

By |2023-07-08T19:15:48-04:00July 7, 2023|Performance|
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